Friday 11 May 2012

Middlesex University Spring Conference

Hosted by: HSSc and CLTE

Title: Trading places: shifting academic identities
Date: Thursday April 26th 2012 Time: 9.30 - 4.00 p.m. Venue: New Southgate Business Park

Keynotes: Professor Ron Barnett (Emeritus Professor Institute of Education) and Professor Ray Land (Durham University)

As we enter 2012 the role universities can - and should - play in civic life are being hotly debated. All over the world higher education is at a crossroads. The Browne Report (2010) heralded a re-conceptualisation of higher education teaching and research funding in England, quickly followed by the White Paper ‘Students at the heart of the system’ (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills) which introduced substantially increased student tuition fees. What these changes mean for the future of universities and for 'the idea of a university' were explored at this conference. The changing nature of the academic role and the impact on learning and teaching within higher education was a prime focus. The conference was fortunate to have two keynote speakers who are currently engaged in these debates at international level. There was also a series of workshops from across Middlesex exploring current and potential changes in academic practices and their impact. We hope this was an exciting and timely conference and addressed issues at the forefront of current debates.

Thursday 10 May 2012


Professor Ray Land

Trust and risk in academic life


Professor Ron Barnett

Keeping to time: working challenges for the modern academic

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Panel discussion

Ron Barnett, Barbara Workman (Chair), Ray Land, Margaret House


Pond Life: Supporting the Teaching and Learning Eco System

Carole Davis and Michael Seignior

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Pecha Kucha session

Eight support staff gave Pecha Kucha presentations outlining their academic identity at the University. Pecha Kucha is Japanese for 'chit chat' and is a format whereby each presenter has 20 Powerpoint slides that are set to move on automatically after 20 seconds. So, 6 mins 20 secs to make your points, succinctly.

Steve Chilton, Educational Development Manager, EDU

Lia Bernades, Student Academic Advisor

Matthew Lawson, Learning Resources

Simbo Ajayi, Student Learning Advisor

Nick Endacott, Learner Development Unit

Salma Ibrahim/Sheila Karsan, Academic Advisors

David Westwood, Research Fellow in E-Learning Support Team, EDU